Monday, 11 May 2015

Module One

I did it! Feeling quite proud, very exhausted and really tired! Having deferred from handing in module one in January as the pressure became too much juggling work, family and MA, I have handed in today. Not quite sure how I did it as my husband has been really sick for the last 4/5 days and then my eldest son came home from school today sick as well.
I'm really pleased with what I've done. Whether I pass or not I have learnt so much and realised how much I do know about my job. Looking back and reflecting on all the different areas has made me realise how much I've done.
Bonus news of the day, one of my ex-students has been offered an apprenticeship with Atlantic Ballet!
Anyone who reads this I hope you have found the process as encouraging as I have. Onto the next module!!!

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