Thursday, 27 November 2014

So I've finally sent my first draft to Helen for my first AOL. I actually really enjoyed writing it in the end but boy it took a lot to get it done. I'm now waiting with trepidation to see how much is right and how much I need to change! I had a good talk with my hubby last week about how this is all going. The conclusion really was that as I've got a lot of credits to make up this may take me longer and I would rather get an extension or something and do this whole thing right than panic and make a mess. Who's that going to benefit except I might get the MA but not really have learnt anything from it.
If anyone is looking for a really good book Ballet Pedagogy by Rory Foster is great.
I don't know if anyone will read this but I've had problems trying to get the referencing system. Has anyone else?
I hope everyone else is on track adn enjoying the course.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tammy
    I'm glad to hear someone else is taking so long over these AOLs! I spent so long on the first two but still haven't got them quite right. I just can't seem to get my head around what is being asked of me. I'm going to try and rewrite them and see if I can grasp what information needs to be included and how to put this into context - the part I struggle with. I think I am going too far into specific areas.
